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A new way forward in Iraq

According to a FOX News Poll conducted in January 2007, most Americans believe that the situation in Iraq does indeed make a difference to their security here in the United States. I agree; I firmly believe that we cannot unilaterally pull out of Iraq until the fledgling Iraqi government is able to stand on its own. If we do, the void that we will create will be filled by Iranian terrorists, the Taliban, Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups. This will give them a base for training from which they can, and will, launch terrorist attacks in the Middle East, Europe, and the United States.

I know that many of my Hoosier friends and neighbors are unhappy about the state of things in Iraq. Nothing is easier than second-guessing decisions made in wartime as few wars in history have been without disastrous surprises, often on both sides of the conflict. Even so, I agree that the situation in Iraq was clearly inadequate, and I applaud the President for recognizing this fact and proposing a solution.

The plan for the New Way Forward is certainly not without risks and we can still lose this war. But I believe the rise of a self-sustaining Iraqi democracy is crucial to our success in the Global War on Terror. I believe that success is our only option in Iraq and I am hopeful that “New Way Forward In Iraq” can do the job.

Posted by Dan Burton (09-05-2007, 02:57 PM) filed under

Comment by: Amy
October 13, 2007 06:20 PM

I agree with you about not leaving Iraq. My youngest brother did two tours in Iraq as a US Marine. He was injured, though not critically. He has served his time and did not re-up. He knows that we have to stay over there or they will be over here attacking us on our own soil. He went through a lot over there, but I totally believe that he knows what he is talking about since he has seen all of it with his own eyes. If our troops stay over there, we can, for the most part keep the worst of it from our own soil. May God Bless and Protect our American Military and our Country.

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